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"Do you want to do dog-rescue or do you want to be a veterinarian?" #youactlikeIhavetochoose

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Here we go! MFDR has been a dream in-the-making for years and has recently blossomed into reality. More Fur Dog Rescue was approved as an official Virginia Non-stock Corporation in early 2020 and our next step is getting approval as a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Making a website/facebook/petfinder/etc. has been both, super fun for my OCD organizational skills, and an overwhelming time drainer that I've been diving into nonstop (instead of sleeping and writing my dreaded medical notes); but they're all now (pretty much) up and running!

MFDR has officially had 4 dogs in our rescue so far; but we've had over 100 foster animals in-and-out of our current home since 2010. We've also helped to save and place several hundreds of pets through other selfless friends, family, and foster homes. Each of those four MFDR dogs came with their own medical problems: Farley - eye infections/disease, joint pain, hip dysplasia; Gibby - broken leg; Phoebe Sue - hit-by-car, lung contusions; Riggs - coughing blood, suspected strangulation.

As you can imagine, this has been a continuous drain from the bank and the pressure to take-on numerous google searches and official government forms greatly intensified; and now we're finally an official business! Now to find more help, homes, and hairy dogs <3

Wish us luck and you're welcome to join us on our adventures! Please let us know if you'd like to help out in any way. Animal rescue has always given, and continues to give, me an unexplainable purpose and I welcome you to give it a try if you're not already addicted <3

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